Susanne Thea Portrait

Nisserne I De Fynske Alper
Ny børnebog af Susanne Thea

"Nisserne i De Fynske Alper er et spændende og medrivende juleeventyr om december, som bliver væk. Et juleeventyr som alle mindre og større børn vil elske og som vil blive læst igen og igen."

December sang - YouTube Julemors sang - YouTube

Susanne Thea Portrait

Artist talk

"Artwork made by Danish artist Susanne Thea after more than 3 years travelling in the footsteps of the world famous Danish author and poet Hans Christian Andersen experiences in 1841-42 through Europe and the Orient with fragments of Hans Christian Andersen famous fairytales, and the Now…"...

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Unplugged music
"Korsør" 1869 af Hans Christian Andersen

Listen to my unplugged music...

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Susanne Thea Portrait

Susanne Thea
An artist in focus

Susanne Thea was born in Denmark and educated in Australia and Denmark. Susanne Thea is an acknowledged artist whose 72 meter "Paraphrase of the Bayeux Tapestry"...

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Tekst, grafik, billeder, lyd samt andet indhold på dette website er beskyttet efter lov om ophavsret. Multikunstner Susanne Thea & Korsørs Grafiske Værksted, Danmark forbeholder sig alle rettigheder til indholdet, herunder retten til at udnytte indholdet med henblik på tekst- og datamining, jf. ophavsretslovens § 11 b og DSM-direktivets artikel 4.

Text, graphics, images, sound, and other content on this website are protected under copyright law. Artist Susanne Thea & Korsoer Graphic Workshop reserve all rights to the content, including the right to exploit the content for text and data mining purposes, in accordance with § 11 b of the Copyright Act and Article 4 of the DSM Directive.