Susanne Thea Portrait

An artist in focus

Susanne Thea is an acknowledged artist whose 72 meter "Paraphrase of the Bayeux Tapestry", her exhibition "They came from the dark blue sea.." 16,5 meter dry-point and monotype picturing the battle of Clontarf 1014, the vikings out of Ireland or ... and uniquely personal figurative language have attracted international attention and, understandably, a great deal of interest from museums around the world.

She is used as a visiting lecturer by academies of art, giving lectures and introductions to her inventive and witty figurati-ve language and the etching and printing techniques she favours.

"I take a very free and experimenting approach to my work, making use of more than 400-year-old graphic and printing teckniques for my copper etchings, wood cuts and monotypes. In this way I am able to create, very exactly, the image that I have in mind."

Her detailed pictures attract attention because of their exquisite style and sense of humour; and there are new discoveri-es to be made every time you return to them.

I welcome verbal and nonverbal dialogue. 'Storytelling' is an important aspect of my art

Susanne Thea

Susanne Thea was born in Denmark and educated in Australia and Denmark.

She has received exhibition and travel grants both at home and abroad is a member of international grahic workshops and is represented in Sweden, Italy, Holland, Germany, the UK, Australia, and Canada as well as at museums in Denmark, Ireland, the USA and the Fiji Islands, in September - November 2014 her Paraphrase of the Bayeux, is being exhibited at Museé de la Tapisserie de Bayeux, Normandi, France and Susanne Thea will meet the embrodered Tapestry for the first time.


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