The swearing-in
The swearing-in
Infantry surrounded from the right
Infantry surrounded from the right
Land in sight
Land in sight
Earl Harold Godwinson`s manor
Earl Harold Godwinson`s manor
Food is prepared
Food is prepared
The Church of St
The Church of St
Horses fall
Horses fall
The cavalry on the move
The cavalry on the move
News about Harold`s army
News about Harold`s army
The farewell
The farewell
The logging of trees
The logging of trees
Last news on King Harold
Last news on King Harold
William`s meeting with the spies
William`s meeting with the spies
Cavalry ready for battle
Cavalry ready for battle
Wine is carried on board
Wine is carried on board
Harold is taken to William`s castle
Harold is taken to William`s castle
William praises his men
William praises his men
William changes his strategy
William changes his strategy
King Edward dies
King Edward dies
Anglo-Saxon lookouts
Anglo-Saxon lookouts
Harold falls
Harold falls
The arrow in the eye
The arrow in the eye
Infantry surrounded from the left
Infantry surrounded from the left
The ship at sea
The ship at sea
Conan`s surrender
Conan`s surrender
King Edward
King Edward
Harold is offered the crown
Harold is offered the crown
Turold and the Virgin Mary
Turold and the Virgin Mary
In the dusk
In the dusk
The shepherd
The shepherd
Normans ride ashore
Normans ride ashore
The Anglo-Saxons flee
The Anglo-Saxons flee
Fortresses are build
Fortresses are build
The `bowsmith`
The `bowsmith`
Caught in a storm
Caught in a storm
The last supper
The last supper
Halley`s comet
Halley`s comet
At count Guy´s
At count Guy´s
Normans on horseback
Normans on horseback
The spy ship
The spy ship
The crowning of William the Conqueror
The crowning of William the Conqueror
An audience with King Edward
An audience with King Edward


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